Your Health. Your Community. Your Hospital.
Rowe Health Center 603.747.2900

Cottage Hospital is committed to price transparency, please click the following links to view our Shoppable Services and our Standard Charges.

January 1, 2021, the federal government required hospitals to provide ongoing, accessible pricing information online about the items and services they provide in two specific ways:

  1. A list of comparable services or a price estimator tool
  2. A comprehensive, machine–readable file of all “Standard Charges” for items and services they provide and the rates negotiated with every insurance company it contracts with and self-pay rates.

The actual cost to the insurer and/or patient is determined by several factors and are not in the exclusive control of Cottage Hospital, including, but not limited to:

  • The payment plans are negotiated with individual health insurers, which may include commercial health insurance, automobile insurance, workers' compensation insurance, or government health insurance coverage, e.g. such as Medicare, Medicaid, or Veterans Administration, etc.
  • The patient’s level of coverage, particular insurance plan (e.g. HMO, PPO, etc.), network participation status of each provider, and the patient’s currently outstanding benefits within the patient’s plan benefit package, including co-pays, co-insurance, remaining deductible, and out-of-pocket (OOP) amount
  • The most appropriate services are determined by the patient’s treating and/or referring physician(s) at the time they receive the services and may be substantially different than the anticipated medical need prior to the provision of the medical treatment or services.
  • Although average cost is available through Cottage Hospital, the nature of healthcare, including the factors described above, dictates that the appropriate level of care, and thus patient OOP cost of that care, frequently cannot be accurately determined until the care has actually been provided.
  • Patients with no insurance coverage are eligible for Cottage Hospital Community Health discount off the posted charges at Cottage Hospital; however, additional financial assistance may be available to further lower an uninsured patient’s actual OOP expenses. Patients without commercial insurance or not covered by a government health care plan should contact the hospital before a procedure to discuss charges, alternative pricing, and payment terms.