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Updated Visitation Policy at Cottage Hospital
Posted By Dhaniele Duffy on Jul 02 2021
Visitation Policy
Thank you sincerely for visiting Cottage hospital.
Patients are entitled to designate a spouse, family member, or caregiver who may visit the facility while the patient is receiving care. A patient or a minor may have a parent, guardian, or person standing in loco parentis visit the facility while the minor patient is receiving care.
Cottage Hospital may establish visitation policies that limit or restrict visitation when:
- The presence of visitors would be medically or therapeutically contraindicated in the best clinical judgment of clinical staff.
- The presence of visitors would interfere with the care of or the rights of any patient.
- Visitors are engaging in disruptive, threatening, or violent behavior toward any staff member, patient, or another visitor
- Visitors are noncompliant with written hospital policy.