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Cottage Hospital LNA Class Completed
Posted By Kuba Kubkowski on Apr 12 2024
Today, our very own Angie Smith RN and Grace Dellinger RN finished their LNA course with students from our local communities! They had their final exam today, which they all passed, and prepared to take their state exam next month!
Additionally, representatives from Northern New Hampshire Area Health Education Center (AHEC), a program of the North Country Health Consortium, the Institute for Health Policy and Practice (IHPP), and the University of New Hampshire Department of Nursing. The purpose of the visit is to support NH Workforce, which is one of the goals of the IHPP, with offering information on graduate nursing program at the University of New Hampshire and to highlight the Advanced Nursing Education Workforce (ANEW) grant which offers funding to students completing the Primary-Care Family Nurse Practitioner or the Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner program. The ANEW grant funds students committing to practice in a rural or underserved area after graduation up to $25,000 a year when the students are in their clinical practicums.
During their visit they had the opportunity to meet the students who recently completed the Licensed Nursing Assistant (LNA) program. The students had great questions related to nursing, they received information on the UNH nursing program, on job opportunities in healthcare, and UNH promotional materials.
In addition, many of the employees from various departments, radiology, and laboratory to mention a few, discussed the need to offer information related to health care careers to high school students in the area. The discussion continued to how a career day can be offered to high school students to have information on health care careers.
Please look forward to more information on upcoming events for Cottage Hospital employees and community members.
Northern New Hampshire Area Health Education Center (AHEC) a program of the North Country Health Consortium – Laura Remick
The Institute for Health Policy and Practice – Molly Umana
The University of New Hampshire Nursing department – Dayle Sharp
Cottage Hospital is proud to have classes like these which help further career opportunities for our local community! We are very thankful to have such dedicated staff members who ensure their students receive the best training they can get! If you have questions about classes or would like to sign up for an upcoming class, visit our website or give us a call to find out when they will be held!
#cottagehospital #YourHealthYourCommunityYourHospital #HealthcareJobs #HealthcareEducation #LNAClass